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The Hylos anti-stress program

Le programme anti-stress Hylos

The feeling of permanent stress with harmful consequences on health and well-being results from an individual's poor adaptation to his life context. He can no longer cope, he loses his footing. Sometimes it is possible to act on certain aspects of the life context, and sometimes not. And sometimes the context of life changes, but the stress does not disappear completely because the tensions are so deeply rooted.



Hylos relaxes tension due to stress, but for more effectiveness, we offer a daily anti-stress program that includes

      • Accept as a necessity to take time for oneself (30 minutes per day)
      • A Hylos session: the first few sessions will determine the best time of the day (in the morning before getting up, in the evening at bedtime or during a break in the day).
      • Breathing exercises as well as a cranial box relaxation technique to let go (your choice or both) thanks to the audio supports below:

      • A very effective and simple practice: a foot bath! - Warm water in a basin. - 3 tablespoons of coarse grey salt + 3 tablespoons of baking soda. - Mix and soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes.
It is perfectly possible to do the exercises in point 3 during the foot bath
       An adapted nutritional contribution (magnesium, vitamins C, B (especially B6, B9, B12), iron and omega 3). Examples: chocolate, avocado, strawberries, citrus fruits, fatty fish...


De-stressing in order to find inner peace: this requires patience and perseverance. The search for an instantaneous miracle solution is incompatible with a serious approach to finding serenity.

Reminder: a Hylos session is a moment of intimacy with oneself and must be done in silence without doing anything else than the session: no music, no reading, no telephone or television... The benevolent observation of what is happening in one's body is recommended.