You can now pay for your Hylos in one lump sum or in 4X free of charge (by check).


In the modern world, letting go is a task that seems beyond the strength of most people, even if they understand the need for it. For it is about letting go of the hold we have on things and people....


Here is the definition from the Vidal: "Professional exhaustion, also called burn out, is a psychological disorder resulting from chronic stress in the workplace. It develops progressively in certain people exposed to frustrating and demotivating working conditions: faced with fatigue,...


There is no age limit for using Hylos. The contraindications are the same as for all users: proven psychiatric illnesses, taking high doses of cortisone, people with devices on vital organs and those who are over-medicated. Old age is often...


Cows and sheep that listen to Bach or Mozart have better lactation. Infrasound and ultrasound therapies are no longer debated and are commonly used by physiotherapists. Hylos therapeutic sounds (which are neither infrasound or ultrasound) have relaxing properties thanks to...